It is normal to experience some anxiety when it is time for a trip to the dentist, but do you avoid the dental office out of fear? Dentophobia is the term used to describe unusual fear of dentists. This condition indicates a more heightened level of anxiety and distress. Dentophobia is common, ranging from mild to severe. It can affect people of all ages and is a very real obstacle for maintaining optimal oral health.
Signs of Dental Phobia
Individuals with dentophobia may experience certain signs of heightened anxiety when faced with a visit to the dentist. These can include:
- Mounting feelings of anxiety or nervousness as the office visit date gets closer
- Feeling very emotional before the appointment
- Loss of appetite
- Trouble sleeping
- Panic attacks before the visit or during the time in the dental office
- Feelings of sickness
You may be inclined to cancel your appointment if your feelings of anxiety get out of hand. Some people with dentophobia avoid the dentist at all costs, and the result may be poor oral health. When fear of the dentist keeps an individual away from the dental office, dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, mouth pain and other problems can develop and get worse over time.
Addressing Dental Fears
Individual who experience dental phobia will benefit from talking to the dentist about their concerns. If you have dental phobia, sedation may help. There are different types of sedation available to help you relax and feel comfortable while in the dental office. Unlike general anesthesia, sedation allows you to fully relax while you are awake.
Though sedation is one way to relieve dental fear so you can get proper oral care, dentophobia can require more intense treatment. It can also be related to other phobias or anxiety disorders. Sometimes a successful visit to the dentist will require therapy, medication or both. You can also practice calming techniques to help address your fear.
At Barrera Advanced Dentistry, we are committed to helping our patients receive the excellent dental care they need. We work with patients who experience dental phobia to help them overcome their fears so they can acquire and maintain optimal oral health. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment, and we will help calm your fears so you can have the beautiful smile you deserve.